Industry Awards
The ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable hosts an annual awards program to recognize green chemistry innovations that advance sustainability in the pharma industry and allied industrial partners. Applications for the 2025 cycle are now closed. Winners will be selected in early 2025. The awards are given during a ceremony at the Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, held next June 23-26 in Pittsburgh, PA, and are invited to present their winning technology at a symposium during this event.
Peter J. Dunn Awards for Green Chemistry & Engineering Impact in the Pharmaceutical Industry
The Peter J. Dunn Awards were established in 2016 by the ACS GCIPR to recognize excellence in the research, development and execution of green chemistry that demonstrates compelling environmental, safety and efficiency improvements over current technologies in the pharmaceutical industry and its allied industrial partners.
Data Science and Modeling for Green Chemistry
The Data Science and Modeling for Green Chemistry award aims to recognize the research and development of computational tools that guide the design of sustainable chemical processes and the execution of green chemistry that demonstrates compelling environmental, safety, and efficiency improvements over current technologies in the pharmaceutical industry and its allied industrial partners.
CMO Excellence in Green Chemistry Award
The CMO Excellence in Green Chemistry Award seeks to recognize outstanding efforts by CMO companies in pharmaceutical green chemistry in support of pharmaceutical research, development and manufacturing that demonstrate compelling environmental, safety and/or efficiency improvements.
Green Discovery Chemistry Award
The Green Discovery Chemistry Award will recognize outstanding efforts in discovery chemistry that demonstrate compelling environmental, safety and/or efficiency improvements through green chemistry and engineering.