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Supply Chain

Sustainability requires collective efforts from all of us to innovate in the face of declining natural resources. To this end, the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable has created a Supply Chain focus team to strive to influence the vendors of raw materials and building blocks by promoting green chemistry innovations in this space. Currently, the team is taking the lead in several initiatives: 1) supporting the ACS GCIPR’s CMO Excellence in Green Chemistry Award selection; 2) hosting a regular vendor forum to build connections with CDMOs/CROs; and 3) holding regular symposiums and presentations to promote the green chemistry innovations. 

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Related Resources

Greening the Pharma Supply Chain: Innovations for Early, Intermediate, and Raw Material Processes

Sustainability requires collective efforts from all of us to innovate in the face of declining natural resources. To this end, our symposium aims to showcase cutting-edge green chemistry innovations in the production of structure-complex building blocks or intermediates to minimize environmental footprint (scope 3 emissions). The session will highlight contributions from UNDP/EPA, pharma, biotech, CROs, CDMOs, and academic researchers on the more efficient and sustainable ways to manufacture…

A Green Chemistry Continuum for a Robust and Sustainable Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Supply Chain

A Green Chemistry Continuum for a Robust and Sustainable Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Supply Chain; Stefan G. Koenig, Cisco Bee, Alina Borovika, Christiana Briddell, Juan Colberg, Guy R. Humphrey, Michael E. Kopach, Isamir Martinez, Sudhir Nambiar, Scott V. Plummer, Seth D. Ribe, Frank Roschangar, Jeremy P. Scott, Helen F. Sneddon. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 16937−16951. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b02842
Tools and Metrics

Process Mass Intensity Life Cycle Assessment Tool

The PMI-LCA Tool is a high-level estimator of Process Mass Intensity (PMI) and environmental life cycle information that can be customized to fit a wide variety of linear and convergent processes for synthesis of small molecule active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). An ecoinvent dataset is utilized as the source of the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) data.